What is pregnancy counselling?

Pregnancy counselling is a free and confidential service offered by Birthline for women who are unexpectedly pregnant. During a pregnancy counselling session, we’ll discuss what you’re considering for your pregnancy: keeping the child, offering the child for adoption, or having an abortion. We’ll talk about how each of these scenarios could be possible for you and how they would look.

Why is it important?

Pregnancy counselling provides you with the necessary time and space to process your emotions. Unexpected pregnancy or a change in circumstances is a big deal, and we want to make sure you have the opportunity to receive all the information you need about each of the possibilities to make the best decision for you.

Who is pregnancy counselling for?

It is a resource for those who are feeling pressured about their decision, as well as for those who don’t know where to start. If you recently discovered that you are pregnant and are unsure of your next steps, consider calling our 24-hour counselling line for pregnancy counselling.

What can I expect during my pregnancy counselling appointment?

You can expect to be treated respectfully, provided with factually-based information, and listened to without judgment. We understand the challenges you face in making a tough decision, and we are here for you no matter what you decide.

What if I’m not in South Australia?

No matter where you’re located, you can receive counselling services from Birthline by calling our 24-hour counselling line for immediate help. We have dedicated counsellors on the phone ready to listen and talk to you about your unexpected pregnancy or change of circumstances.

Birthline offers pregnancy counselling as a resource to women who recently discovered they are unexpectedly pregnant or have a change of circumstances. To schedule your pregnancy counselling session at our centre, contact us today.

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